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Felt smart - a primer on felting for teachers

By Ulla Lindholm and Mette Østman 2018

Publisher Meloni

Introduction to the felt craft with knowledge of materials, cultural history, contemporary references and, not least, ideas for use in teaching. The book is based on a broad understanding of learning, where body and senses are just as important as words.

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Under the name e-Felt, together with Charlotte Buch, I have published 3 books which are thorough step-by-step instructions in the felt craft. They are based on concrete products, and show different processes within felting. Published on BooksOnDemand.

We both have many years of felting experience, and our working style and expression together give very different angles on felting. We have collaborated to convey instructions and inspiration for felt projects, both for private use and for teaching.



  • My first book about felt boots has been published as an e-book and a printed book in both Danish, English and German.

  • Charlotte Buch's book on Hotte Totter is available as both a printed book and an e-book in Danish and German.

  • Felt round jars have been published as both an e-book and a printed book in Danish and English.

If you want to trade the books, the books can be bought at the dealer price. Contact


Felt boots - a thorough guide

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