The city's Pomet
Byens Pomet was an installation at Fisketorvet in Odense. An apple tree with felted apples and a sunflower. Apples and birds hung on the sycamore trees in 2014-15. The project was supported by From Street to City
Pomet - collection of different varieties of fruit trees and shrubs (Gyldendal). Here it is symbolic and an invitation to plant the new district with different varieties of edible nature.
Nature must have its place in the new district in order for the project to bear fruit and create life. Green surroundings, sustainability, growth and crops are important ingredients in a good life, also in a city.
Proximity to nature is downright necessary for people's well-being (cf. the American researcher Richard Louw).
The symbolism of the apple tree relates closely to the vision of a sustainable city and new district.
For many, the apple is a symbol of health – an apple a day keeps the doctor away
The apple is tempting and alluring - just think of how it was in the Garden of Paradise
There are countless varieties and flavors, and new ones are added when seeds sprout.
Apples thrive fantastically in our climate, and it is good to take advantage of nature's advantages.
It's all something we want for our city.
Grønttorvet, where you can buy fruit and vegetables on Wednesdays and Saturdays, is right nearby.
Møntergården, which contains the city's history and has an apple as its landmark, is in the same direction.
The arrows show the way.
The sound of the blackbird can remind us that nature must have its place in the city. Listen to the sunflower here

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