Mette Østman Filt is a company where we both design, produce and teach felting.
I myself have been felting since 1981. I am a trained social educator (1986) and worked as an educator until 2005.
Since then it became more mixed, and I have now for a number of years made a living from felting with both development, production, teaching and communication.
Many experiments with wool and felt have taken place in the Felt Laboratory, but in January 2018 I moved to more space in the Felt Factory, also in Ørstedsgade, Odense.
I run Mette Østman Filt with a lot of help from people in flex jobs. We have good experience in combining felting processes with consideration for safety and a friendly working environment.
In the summer of 2020, Uurna Aps. established in collaboration with Line Eskestad. We make urns from wool - for both people and pets.
Here you can download my FELT CV