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Siddehynder af krøllet gotlænderfår

Gotlænderhynde tæt på


Hynde til Y-stol

Pude 50x50cm med filtede knapper

Puder 40x60cm

Rød/orange pude med filtede knapper 60x60cm

Pude med solsort og røde (æble)knapper. 60x60 cm
Pillows and cushions
Cushions for chairs and forest walks. Wool is a fantastic material because it is light and warm - even on a damp surface.
Cushions in raw wool have preserved the curls and structure of the wool. Recommended price DKK 400.
Special cushions cost approx. DKK 400 - 600 per pieces and made to order.
Cushions with integrated closure and felt buttons. The pillows are also made to order and cost approx. 1200 - 1500 DKK
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