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Filtede æbler til pynt og glæde. Forskellige æblesorter har hver deres farvespil og -tone og mange af os har favoritæbler med særlig smag og sødme. Æblerne er inspireret af sorter, som findes i min have og i mit nabolag. De er filtet af ren uld, og i filtningen blandes farverne til helt særlige nuancer. Alle æbler filtes i Filtværket.


Different apple varieties, inspired by nature itself. In my garden and in my neighborhood I find many varieties, different in color, shape and taste. In every country there is special varieties and you can always find your favourite local apple.
There is a range of colors in one single apple that I enjoy transforming into wool surfaces - dark red - bright red - yellow - green - and many more.
All apples are made of wool and felted by hand in our workshop Filtværket.

Filtede æbler

kr 75,00Pris
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